Friday, May 27, 2011

I Can't Imagine Losing Someone...

So I read an news article today on a death from Joplin, MO. Recently if you've kept with the news, Joplin was pretty well demolished from a tornado. Well, it was not a fair warned tornado and a lot of lives were lost. There were two stories in this article that really touched me. The first was of a husband who basically was a human shield for his wife and lost his life because the tornado just simply killed him. I can't imagine having someone do that for me. It's just intense to think about. That someone would value their life of your's. I don't know how I could live with it. While it is sweet I'm kind of the person who would want to shield someone so I guess that's why. The other story was of a high school kid who had just recently graduated and was coming home with his dad. When the tornado came, the roof of the car just ripped off and sucked up into it. All that was left was his diploma and his graduation hat. How awful! It was these stories that really made me think how grateful I am that my family is alive and well.

I just wanted to share that.

